Sunday, October 23, 2011


The festival of lights is here and I wish all my friends and dear bloggers a very HAPPY DIWALI

I wish to write a few lines just to celebrate this great festival 

You can search for happiness
It comes from deep within.
Its not the things you purchase
Or the battles that you win.

Its counting all your blessings
Accepting what you've got,
Not wanting more and more;
Being happy with your lot.

When you wake to greet each day
With contentment in your heart,
This will bring your more joy
Than owning priceless works of art.

For, though the things you buy
Can bring you lots of pleasure,
Being happy , deep inside,
is by far the greatest treasure.

These are a few lines I found in a booklet written by Marian Jones.. They tell you so much in those simple words..
Remember this during this festive season and enjoy these days to your hearts content....


vivari said...

nice peom

AM said...

Your post selected as the Blog-Post of the week. check it out here :-)