Monday, June 21, 2010


Nature has its own beauty . Nature has so much to offer and you can see it everywhere in gods creation , in birds, animals and all the amazing things around us.
I love colours and so i always look out for colours in nature and when i  find them i capture them in my camera which i would view myself , but now blogs have been instrumental in helping me share this with you
 Yesterday morning as i finished my morning tea which i usually have on my window sill , i went to keep my mug in the sink and returned back to my place to just relax for sometime before my daily routine would take over my time and mind power(Haha...) I can think well only when i am alone and  silent.
I saw this beautiful butterfly who had just settled on my sill and was looking so beautiful that i was awestruck...
Look at the perfect colour combination and look at the spots!!!!!!!!. Can any of us create such a wonderful creature... 
doesnt it look like a cloth is wrapped around the back of the insect...

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