Sunday, December 19, 2010


“SMILE”….. is there anything more beautiful than a smile, you can give a smile to anyone and instantly feel and make the other person feel good.

SMILE is the most beautiful expression on a persons face; it lightens up the whole face and emits a certain positive energy and glow around you….

It is said that it takes seventeen muscles to smile and forty-three to frown so decide for yourself what is easier?????? 
So be sure to give a little bit of this precious quality, which all of us possess in abundance.

These are little tabs or batches which i purchased to  give as gifts to my son's friends and spread a message of a smile to them.... 

SMILE is an instrument to win over someone
It’s a small curve that can set anything or everything right….
Smile at a stranger who you feel really needs it and it might make his day….
Smile at people who we take for granted, like the people who are there to help us out in the shops, railway counters, bus stations , and other civic workers whose work often goes unnoticed…

Here is a quote which I got while browsing around and I feel it tells us about a smile aptly  

A smile costs nothing but gives much.  It enriches those who receive without making poorer those who give.  It takes but a moment, but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever.  None is so rich or mighty that he cannot get along without it and none is so poor that he cannot be made rich by it.  Yet a smile cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen, for it is something that is of no value to anyone until it is given away.  Some people are too tired to give you a smile.  Give them one of yours, as none needs a smile so much as he who has no more to give.  ~Author Unknown

1 comment:

primitive ole frugal mumma said...

OH That is sooooo true ...and a BIG smile to you :-))