WOW!! Finally the rains are
here in Mumbai, It’s been a real hot and humid summer and all were eagerly waiting for respite from this heat.
And here as I sit at my
computer table at 11.30 at night, I can hear the putter patter of rain drops on
my window sill and it’s like music to my ears. I love love love when it rains..
Sheer pleasure.

RAIN and rainy days are my idea
of simple pleasure. I get as much pleasure in sitting at my window sill looking
out at the rainy pouring down as I get while out in the open and soaking in
this wonderful thing called rain.
I do not know why but my whole
attitude changes when it rains, I become more calm more relaxed and do not
think the daily chores as a burden I enjoy doing everything that normally I
would get bored doing.

Smell the rains; feel the light
breeze, the first shower brings with it this earthy fragrance that can be enjoyed
only when experienced. I can smell that right now wafting through my window and
let me tell you it’s the best natural scent that one can ever experience. It
becomes refreshingly cool after the hot and humid weather.
I found this quote on the web:
Gilbert K. Chesterton