Friday, September 13, 2013


Morning tea.. A morning me time where I read a book... downloaded on my mini laptop and enjoy a cup of tea on my window sill.. That's a good start to my day...

Offcourse this is a start after I finish packing my sons lunch box..
The first thing I do even before I have my morning cup of tea is to cook something fresh for my son's lunch box and that takes about an hour depending on what I am making for him.

Then when he leaves for college I make tea for me and my husband and love to either curl up on my living room sofa or sit on the window with either a book or magazine and sometimes with my laptop to read downloaded stuff.
What is your morning routine and what is it that you like to do to start your day ?.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, morning routines do set the tone for the entire day, don't they? After I get up, I feed the dogs, make the bed, and drink a cup of coffee or two. I might check the weather forecast. Then I shower, dress, and dive into my day. I care for my grand-daughter during the weekdays, and I like to be able to play with her a bit in the morning, before heavy chores. This routine rarely changes...

Mrs L from Colorado