On the weekend I was in Pune , I went to a big mall which had a fabulous book store and what I see when I go there YAY!!!!! There was a 50% sale going on , I visited this book stall for a very first time and to see that sale sign made my mood go on a real high swing...
This deal on foreign magazines was something that was too too good to miss... They were selling some British publication magazine which are normally exorbitantly priced at a very low Rs 50/- because they were all past copies i.e year 2008 and 2009 copies which were not sold out and so in best condition (I think its the price that stops us in India from buying it).
Whenever I buy magazine they will be either cooking magazines or something concerned with home and interiors ..
I found a stash of HOMES AND GARDENS which were absolutely new and clean ( I don't like to read magazines which are tempered and are not clean when you touch or handle them, it just takes out the satisfaction of reading a good magazine..)
Hence the pleasure of receiving a new magazine in your hand through your courier guy and the smell of the fresh pages of unopened magazine hummm... heaven....
But , but these where as good as new only the fresh smell was missing but they were crisp and untouched.. WOW WHAT A DEAL!!! I got 8 of these for myself.. and have opened and reading only 1 , so that I can savor , devour them one by one at my own leisure when I have the time to myself .
I have a corner in my home where i sit (on the floor ... yes on the floor next to the cupboard where i have these magazines piled up... and read them a little at a time... ) These place is my space where I sit only for going through my big big and really big stash of magazines and enjoy them to my hearts content its a real relaxation mantra for me...
I read my magazines at a very leisurely pace, Now I have 8 but i will take my own sweet time I dont rush into them , I want them to last for ever and ever and then I read them again and again over the years ..
As I read I dream I actually go into the place where the shot or photo is taken and imagine it in my mind's eye.. and I can feel how it must be feeling to the owners... wheww....
This issue had this great article on blue and white decoration I just loved the photos and want to share them with you....
look at that lovely blue bedspread or quilt in the first picture above . Its got an Indian touch and print and so good with white...
These blue tiles look wonderful In the kitchen right?